Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day Two; i have a CANKLE!

Day Two; Operation Deployment.
Ryder and i went to Labor and Delivery tonight because the OBGYN told me last appointment to call if my swelling got worse, and that  had high blood pressure. that if i felt it rising for no reason, to call.
so i called at about 0230 and Monique and i went to the Naval Hospital.
we were monitored for about an hour, Ry kept trying to kick off the straps, silly little baby.
but after that, we were free to go. better safe than sorry!
only a few more weeks and we will be there for real!
but tonight made me nervous enough to finish getting our bags and things ready for him to come. because he's going to be here before i know it, with very little warning!

today was a little more difficult.
i slept in until about noon, did a load of dishes, laid on the couch, and took a nap a few hours later. i just didnt feel like getting out of bed. i went to Amber and Travis's for dinner, i really appreciate all they do for me. it was so wonderful to spend time and laugh with them. though we talked about Deployment and Mike, it really made me feel better about him being gone. they are just awesome people and i know i will be there for her when her time comes. i honestly don't know where i'd be had i not met her, I'm extremely lucky that i did.

i went to Moniques after dinner because she was in a small crisis and needed to vent. so we finished packing all her things, since she's moving in with Lisette tomorrow, completely. i couldn't imagine having to pack up all Mikes things to move. i love our house just the way that it is. and I'm thankful that we had a few months here to make it our home, rather than us just settling in and him leaving. but it does make it slightly more difficult, his ghost everywhere. i'm afraid to clean, though man oh man, nesting is kickin in! the smell of cleaning detergents makes me so happy, yes, i have issues, i know. lol! but i think i will start cleaning hardcore Monday. when the mopey weekend is over with. but yes, i made her feel better, i came home around 5 and took a shower and obviously, updated my blogs. but now, I'm going to sleep to dream of my handsome Marine.

Stay Safe CLB7 Support!

1 comment:

  1. yea we are pretty awesome! lol
    where was my text at 2am??
